We know that the successful running of many organisations’ back office functions depends on having an effective administration and business support capability. With an outstanding track record of supplying capable workers to this part of the job market, Qualserv can definitely help your organisation here.
Our large database of candidates gives us access to an extensive pool of talent of all levels of experience and seniority. Therefore we are sure to have the right candidate for your role, and will provide comprehensive assistance in ensuring that it is filled rapidly with the right person.
On registration our specialist consultants encourage personal meetings with candidates, and meticulously review their CVs and employment histories to find the temporary jobs or career moves to which they are best suited.
Previously some of the jobs we have matched candidates to have included:
- Office Managers
- PAs and Secretaries
- Legal Secretaries
- Administration Assistants & Officers
- Clerks
- Post Room Staff
- Office Juniors
- Data Entry Clerks
For Clients
Qualserv has a first class reputation amongst many corporate and public sector clients. This reputation has been achieved through the sheer quality of service we provide and the scrupulous attention to detail we apply to the recruitment process. For example, given the IT requirement for many admin roles, we test candidates for basic IT capability with applications such as Word and Excel. Therefore, we are always confident when we supply candidates for your roles, they will not fail at interview on capability grounds.
Our reputation also leads to many candidate referrals to us from our clients and candidates. This is a testament to the quality of service we provide.
When working with clients, we endeavour to:
- Find the best candidates for each available position by skillset and culture fit
- Develop a detailed understanding of the recruitment needs and organisational culture of each organisation
- Achieve a high level of positive feedback and satisfaction from each client. We regularly conduct surveys and self-checks to see how we are performing
- Remain adaptable in our recruitment strategies to fit each clients’ needs
- Adapt our internal systems and processes, if needed, to be more responsive and better suit the specific needs of each client
- After shortlisting the most suitable candidates for each role, we assess them on a number of competencies including:
- Attention to detail
- Ability to work as part of a team
- Organisation skills
- Commercial awareness
- Conflict management
- Relationship building
- Time management
- Communication skills
- Arranging appointments
For Candidates
Candidates who apply for roles through us will get the benefit of having their CV looked at closely by knowledgeable consultants, who have an awareness of current market conditions.
Some of the other benefits of working through us include:
- We won’t put your CV forward for any role without your permission
- Large number of exciting opportunities in areas as diverse as the public sector and banking
- Free, impartial and honest advice on your next career move and the latest market trends
- Free CV analysis and, if required, example CV formats can be provided
- Advice for first time contractors on all aspects of contracting
- Contractors are paid weekly, where possible
- No payment issues
- Candidates are always welcome to drop in for a cup of coffee at our head office!